Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class (1998-2005) & forum.sqlwindows (2000-2005)
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Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by StefanM » 21 Jan 2005, 16:02

 Posted by:  Stefan Misch 

Hi NG,

is there a "fast" way to copy instance var's from one instance of a
functional class (=FC) to another?

FC fcFoo with numeric instance vars niOne and string siTwo and maybe more
(but just simple types)
Two instances fooSource and fooTarget of type fcFoo.

I think with
Set fooTarget = fooSource
I just copy "pointers" (or better "object references"), but I do not get an
independent copy.

Do I really need to do something like
Set fooTarget.niOne = fooSource.niOne
Set fooTarget.siTwo = fooSource.siTwo
... all other instance var's
to get a copy? Is there something faster?

What if I add another instance variable to my FC fcFoo. Then I will also
have to modify the Copy( ) function to also include the new instance var.

I know it's Friday, but here I go...



Re: Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by Ifo » 24 Jan 2005, 09:26

 Posted by:  Ifo 

We are working with Centura 8 years and didn't
found some easy way. We use little workaround -
we create function CopyFrom in functional class
like this:

Functional class: XXX
Function: CopyFrom
class XXX: Src
Static Variables
Local variables
Set var1 = Src.var1
Set var2 = Src.var2

Then, anywhere in application:
Call Instance2.CopyFrom ( Instance1 )

It's not real "object oriented", but if you add variable
to class, you should modify function in that class only,
not in all instances of the class.

Ifo, tangram software, Slovakia

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Re: Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by RainerE » 24 Jan 2005, 12:26

 Posted by:  Rainer Ebert 

That's the same we do.

We are working with Centura 8 years and didn't
found some easy way. We use little workaround -
we create function CopyFrom in functional class
like this:

Functional class: XXX
Function: CopyFrom
class XXX: Src
Static Variables
Local variables
Set var1 = Src.var1
Set var2 = Src.var2

Then, anywhere in application:
Call Instance2.CopyFrom ( Instance1 )

It's not real "object oriented", but if you add variable
to class, you should modify function in that class only,
not in all instances of the class.

Ifo, tangram software, Slovakia

Posts: 679
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Location: Bavaria

Re: Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by StefanM » 24 Jan 2005, 12:57

 Posted by:  Stefan Misch 


thanks, that's exactly what I'm doing right now.
I just wondered wether there are any undocumented functions or some hack to
do a raw in-memory copy.


We are working with Centura 8 years and didn't
found some easy way. We use little workaround -
we create function CopyFrom in functional class
like this:

Functional class: XXX
Function: CopyFrom
class XXX: Src
Static Variables
Local variables
Set var1 = Src.var1
Set var2 = Src.var2

Then, anywhere in application:
Call Instance2.CopyFrom ( Instance1 )

It's not real "object oriented", but if you add variable
to class, you should modify function in that class only,
not in all instances of the class.

Ifo, tangram software, Slovakia

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Re: Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by cschubert » 24 Jan 2005, 13:18

 Posted by:  Christian Schubert 

IIRC "XSalUdv" contained in XSal should do exactly what you want...


Christian Schubert

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Re: Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by michael » 24 Jan 2005, 14:04

 Posted by:  Michael Hummel 

hi stefan,

this oop - enhancements were discussed at a developer conference years ago
( f-opio or d-wiesbaden i think ...). there where many votings for these
nothing happens .

Now, with td 2005 we have "Improved Find & Replace for higher developer
productivity" (Kristie Wells, 2005-Jan-05)
i am very very very happy about these cool new things.


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Re: Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by luca.pivato » 24 Jan 2005, 15:29

 Posted by:  Gianluca Pivato 

That's correct:


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Re: Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by Acclaro » 25 Jan 2005, 20:40

 Posted by:  Rossmayer 

what about that?

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Catalin Enache

Re: Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by Catalin Enache » 25 Jan 2005, 21:31

 Posted by:  Catalin Enache 

It doesn't work.
Just add
Set Copy[0].Number = 99
after the call to cfktCopycFC()
and see what happens.


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Re: Fast Copy of instance var's of functional class

Post by RainerE » 25 Jan 2005, 21:52

 Posted by:  Rainer Ebert 

I've made the same test.
It does not work because the code copies the pointer to the functional class
object, not the object itsself.
Now you have 3 array elements pointing to the same object. If you change it,
all pointers point to the changed object. :-(


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