Posted by: Stefan Misch
Hi NG,
is there a "fast" way to copy instance var's from one instance of a
functional class (=FC) to another?
FC fcFoo with numeric instance vars niOne and string siTwo and maybe more
(but just simple types)
Two instances fooSource and fooTarget of type fcFoo.
I think with
Set fooTarget = fooSource
I just copy "pointers" (or better "object references"), but I do not get an
independent copy.
Do I really need to do something like
Set fooTarget.niOne = fooSource.niOne
Set fooTarget.siTwo = fooSource.siTwo
... all other instance var's
to get a copy? Is there something faster?
What if I add another instance variable to my FC fcFoo. Then I will also
have to modify the Copy( ) function to also include the new instance var.
I know it's Friday, but here I go...