How can i open APP from TOM with newer Program-Version? (1998-2005) & forum.sqlwindows (2000-2005)

How can i open APP from TOM with newer Program-Version?

Post by Cyber » 18 Aug 2006, 07:33

 Posted by:  Cyber <> 


yesterday i made the upgrade from TeamDev 3.1 to TeamDev 4.0.

In the installation was the question to open all Files (app and so on)
with the newer version or the older version .. I made the mistake and
sayed with the older version ..

Now, if i want to open a app from the TeamObjectManager, this will be
openned with 3.1 and not with 4.0.

How can i change this ?

Without the TOM, i can open the files with the Version 4.0 because i
sayed "open with.." and "open all files with this program".

Thanks a lot.

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