OpenSSL et RSA_private_encrypt And CTD3.1 (1998-2005) & forum.sqlwindows (2000-2005)

OpenSSL et RSA_private_encrypt And CTD3.1

Post by Marco » 05 Jul 2006, 17:34

 Posted by:  Marco <> 


I need to use with CTD3.1, the libssl32 & libeay32 librairies, but
don't know how to translate the different parameters of the different
functions :

ordinal export 1615
RSA_private_encrypt(int flen, unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to,
RSA *rsa, int padding);

but what kind of declared parameter should i use ?
number, may be erceive number and after LONG, LPLONG, LPCHAR...

i'm lost

Any one already did it, i can't import it with the wizard !

help !
thx in advance

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