CDK, current item in Outline ?

forum.cdk (1998-2005) & (2005-2010)

CDK, current item in Outline ?

Post by Ismael » 03 Apr 2003, 00:47

 Posted by:  Ismael 

Please i would like to know, how can i get the current item number of the
outline in CDK. I´m sorry the english.
I´m from Brasil.

Thanks for answer.

Stefan Müller

Re: CDK, current item in Outline ?

Post by Stefan Müller » 26 Apr 2003, 15:28

 Posted by:  Stefan Müller 

Hi Ismael,

Is this your problem?

If you want to create a programm to modify your sourcecode the selected item
and outline number is passed to your EXE as a parameters.

On SAM_AppStartup
If not SalStrToNumber( strArgArray[2] )
Call SalQuit( )
Set n_Outline = SalStrToNumber( strArgArray[2] )
Set n_Item = SalStrToNumber( strArgArray[3] )
Call CDK_App.InitApp( n_Outline )
Call CDK_App.InitializeFramework( )


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