How to find the parent id of a child item?

forum.cdk (1998-2005) & (2005-2010)
Rodrigo Matiazo

How to find the parent id of a child item?

Post by Rodrigo Matiazo » 24 Oct 2002, 02:48

 Posted by:  Rodrigo Matiazo 

I´m modifing to help in document the last uptates in a form ( if
a user modify some line or something ) i put in description Last Update
xx/xx/xx by rodrigo, for exemple, for this first step i wanto to do this and
after i want to automaticly insert a quick brief that what the user did with
the form in description, i´m using now NotifyEditTitle, i tryed
CDKParent(hOutline, hItem ) function but with no result , i can´t find the
way to do this (1st step), someone can help me??




Re: How to find the parent id of a child item?

Post by bm » 24 Oct 2002, 19:34

 Posted by:  bm 

I didn't work with c-cdk, but from cbcdk.apl/cdk-item :

!!CB!! 279
Function: GetParent
Description: Gets the parent of the current object
returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
: cParent
Class: cdkItem
! Gets initialized with the location of the next sibling
Static Variables
Local variables
Number: numParent
Set numParent = CDKParent(m_hOutline, m_hItem)
If numParent = 0
Return cParent.Initialize(0 , 0)
Return cParent.Initialize(m_hOutline , numParent)

As ReturnValue from CDKParent, you get the new m_hItem and with this you
have to initialze a new class.

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