What is an interface

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What is an interface

Post by MarWestermann » 08 May 2007, 18:20

 Posted by:  Marco Westermann 


I saw, that it is possible to create an interface when right-clicking on
the classes-section of an application. I'm wondering I do not find any
information about, what they are for.

I guess they are not the same like in Java, where interfaces can be
included in other classes.

Can anybody explain what they are for.

Thanks a lot

Marco Westermann

Krzysztof Dorko

Re: What is an interface

Post by Krzysztof Dorko » 08 May 2007, 19:17

 Posted by:  Krzysztof Dorko 

It is for COM Servers (to create them)
Simply check Writing COM Servert in your books online in help menu


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