Multiline cell in TableWindow

forum.sourcecode (2000-2005) & (2005-2010)
Joachim Engel

Multiline cell in TableWindow

Post by Joachim Engel » 12 Mar 2007, 10:25

 Posted by:  Joachim Engel 


does anybody can give me me a hint
how to display muliline text in a table window cell
like in WORD or EXCEL?

Unfortunateley M!Table isn't able to do it
and toolstips or anything else interactive is no solution.

Joachim Engel.


Re: Multiline cell in TableWindow

Post by Joseph » 12 Mar 2007, 11:16

 Posted by:  Joseph 


Change the 'Cell Type' property of the Table window column to 'Popup Edit'.

-Eldo Joseph

Thomas Lauzi

Re: Multiline cell in TableWindow

Post by Thomas Lauzi » 12 Mar 2007, 13:04

 Posted by:  Thomas Lauzi 

Hi Joachim,
put the "Lines per Row" in the attribute inspector of the tablewindow to 2
rows (or more)
and set the columnflag COL_Multiline to TRUE. For editing multiline you need
to set the style to "Popup Edit".
See attached sample...

Thomas L.

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Joachim Engel

Re: Multiline cell in TableWindow

Post by Joachim Engel » 12 Mar 2007, 16:07

 Posted by:  Joachim Engel 

Thanks to Thomas and Joseph,

but this is not quite what I'm looking for.
I need no edit function, but I need individual sized multiline cells / rows.
If all rows would have the same height, to many rows would been scrolled out
of view.

Kind regards
Joachim Engel.

Posts: 997
Joined: 07 Mar 2017, 16:07
Location: Germany

Re: Multiline cell in TableWindow

Post by micsto » 13 Mar 2007, 08:35

 Posted by:  Michael Stoll \(MICSTO\) 

Hi Joachim,

you could use the cell merge feature in M!Table.
For example, if you have a table with 3 columns and you want to "simulate" a
row with 3 lines, you could do something like this:

Code: Select all

Set nRow = SalTblInsertRow( hWndTbl, TBL_MaxRow )
Set nRow2 = SalTblInsertRow( hWndTbl, TBL_MaxRow )
Set nRow3 = SalTblInsertRow( hWndTbl, TBL_MaxRow )
Call MTblSetCellMergeEx( hWndCol1, nRow, 0, 2, 0 )
Call MTblSetCellMergeEx( hWndCol2, nRow, 0, 2, 0 )
Call MTblSetCellMergeEx( hWndCol3, nRow, 0, 2, 0 )
Ok, it behaves not really like a single row, but maybe this is a usable
workaround for you.


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