Posted by: Scott Booth
Thanks for the reply - no luck though. I traced through with and without
the manifest and it seems that the call to VisListGetItemHandle is failing
in the On VTM_OutlineCornerClick processing.
On VTM_OutlineCornerClick
! The actions for this message are exactly the same as those in
except that for the case where we need to enumerate subdirectories and
as children of the selected item, we do nothing in the class and send a
instead so the specific enumeration can be done in the instance. This
makes a
more flexible explorer control class.
Also, an extra flag was added: ITEM_HasChildren. This means the same
as ITEM_CanExpand, except that ITEM_CanExpand is used by cExplorerTree to
determine which items have a "corner" (plus or minus symbol) to the left
of the
icon. An item might have children which are not folders; thus a corner
inappropriate, but the behavior to load the children should be the same.
! ***** Get item flags for selected item
Code: Select all
Set nIndex = wParam
Set hItem = VisListGetItemHandle( hWndItem, nIndex )
Set nLevel = VisListGetLevel( hItem )
Set nItemFlags = VisListGetFlags( hWndItem, nIndex )
If nItemFlags != LB_Err
If VisErrorRecovery( CAPTION_ErrorHandler ) = ACTION_Abort
Call SalQuit()