How to add hours and minutes?

forum.sourcecode (2000-2005) & (2005-2010)
Paul Schmitteck

How to add hours and minutes?

Post by Paul Schmitteck » 05 Jan 2006, 14:40

 Posted by:  Paul Schmitteck 

Hi friends,
I have one date Datafield (DAY), which is formatted as hh:mm (say for
example it may populate 7:30).
After this i need to multiply with 5 for a week and i need to populate
37:30 in another Datafield WEEK and multiply with 29 to populate MONTH and
365 to populate year datafield?
Can any one suggest some idea here please!
Thanks and Regards,

Catalin Enache

Re: How to add hours and minutes?

Post by Catalin Enache » 05 Jan 2006, 15:39

 Posted by:  Catalin Enache 

Use SalDateHour and SalDateMinute.

Something like
Set nMinutes = (SalDateHour(DAY)*60 + SaldateMinute (DAY) )*5
Set nWeekHours = nMinutes /60 - SalNumberMod (nMinutes , 60)/60
Set nWeekMinutes = nMinutes - nWeekHours*60

So WEEk datafield will be equal with somethink like nWeekHours:nWeekMinutes.


Alois Fuchs

Re: How to add hours and minutes?

Post by Alois Fuchs » 23 Feb 2006, 19:34

 Posted by:  Alois Fuchs 

hi paul,

you can simply add (or also subtract) days/hours/minutes/seconds, calculated
as a (fractional) part of a 24 hour's day, to a date - like this:

Date/Time: dDate1
Date/Time: dDate2
Number: nDateDiff

! set dDate1 to a certain value:
Set dDate1 = 2006-02-23
! to add, for example, 1 d 12 h 25 m 32 s, convert all to seconds:
Set nDateDiff = ( 1*24*60*60 + 12*60*60 + 25*60 + 32 ) / ( 24*60*60 )
Set dDate2 = dDate1 + nDateDiff ! it works properly, no error
"assignment of different types" occurs!
Call SalMessageBox( SalFmtFormatDateTime( dDate2, 'yyyy-MM-dd hhhh:mm:ss' ),
'new date/time', MB_Ok )
! dDate2 shows 2006-02-24 12:25:32
! add another 45 m 10 s:
Set nDateDiff = ( 45*60 + 10 ) / ( 24*60*60 )
Set dDate2 = dDate2 + nDateDiff
Call SalMessageBox( SalFmtFormatDateTime( dDate2, 'yyyy-MM-dd hhhh:mm:ss ),
'new date/time', MB_Ok )
! dDate2 shows 2006-02-24 13:10:42


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