CcSplitter on form: how to get table window (on top pane) visible

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CcSplitter on form: how to get table window (on top pane) visible

Post by micsto » 08 Mar 2007, 17:55

 Posted by:  Michael Stoll \(MICSTO\) 

I use table windows inside spltter windows without any problems.
The differences are:
1. I use the the late bound function "AssociateChildren" provided by the
spliiter form
2. Instead of hiding the toolbar at runtime, I set the property "Toolbar
Visible" to "No" at designtime

Maybe that helps...


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Re: CcSplitter on form: how to get table window (on top pane) visible

Post by markonaivo » 12 Mar 2007, 10:25

 Posted by:  Marko Naivo 

I had tried "AssociateChildren" after left and right childs were created,
but the result looked not satisfying - the child windows were shown in wrong

Thanks to your encouraging experience to use AssociateChildren(), Michael,
let it be a roundabout to create child windows in reverse order:
first right child and then left child.
Then the view gets painted fully and the content of panes are in wanted
logical order.


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