by martinenco » 21 Nov 2007, 02:50
Posted by: Enrique Martinenco
Hi James.
I don't wish to create a discussion on this topic. Only shake the Unify
guys a little.
I'm in IT bussines since 1976. and in the system engeneering consulting
bussines since 1990.
In my work i been seen al lot of estimations fails. The most myself. One
thing what I learned is there are three deadlines in a software project.
a) The marketing deadline .This very often have no connection with the real
world and of course is totaly ignorant of the technical time.
b) The proyect manager deadline. This is a balance (some times good, some
times no so good) between marketing deadline and the project manager
perception of project reality. Him or her are deeply infuenced by marketing
b) The real deadline. This is the time we, the programmers o system
architects realisticaly estimate, and in my experience, when those
estimations are make without listen to the marketing people and the proyect
manager, are normaly accurate ( +- 20%.)
I was and I'm a programmer . I love this profession. I work with Gupta since
1994 and I love this tool.
I undestand your mail but... WHY Martin said earlier december?. He inform us
(techical people) the marketing deadline not the real one. He can said end
of January or something else and then we can make ours migration plans more
The post with TD 5.1 bugs starts two or three days before the release( Oct,
09) . My be the Unify guys must correct the more anyoning bugs and release a
new build. I log the bugs on my products and plan and correct the more
anyoning in timeframes of a week . My small company use a variation of Scrum
Agile depelopment method. I Asume that our software have errors and correct
and deliver a new buil on a week basis. Some programs have version numbers
like 3.56. We want to deliver software that be valuabe for our clients.
The TD customer community is very pacient and we have been seen this several
times in the past.
The only we need is more truth in the announces.
PD. My english is no so good, please forgiven my linguistics mistakes. I'm a
spanish speaker.