Another TD 5.0 impression

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Another TD 5.0 impression

Post by markus.essmayr » 31 Jan 2007, 21:56

 Posted by:  Markus Eßmayr 


I downloaded TD 5.0 Test Drive yesterday.
Installation worked fine, then I played around for about 30 minutes.

1. Added a new Form Window.
2. Wanted to add some controls so I right-clicked it in the outline and
selected "Select in layout" ----> DOESN'T WORK!
3. After I found a way to design the window, I added a Tab-control and
assigned some controls to it.
4. Running the application and ----> Changing tabs does not change the
controls displayed.
5. Now added a COM-component which is actually written in C#. So the wizard
generates some .NET runtime types which do not work. ----> Should work!
6. Removed that types as i don't need them in the app by pressing F5 at the
library item, removing it and "Save and returned".
7. The library didn't got refreshed automatically so I clicked "Refresh
libraries" in the menu ----> GPF
8. Deinstalled TD 5.0 Test Drive.

It seems to me that this version is still in Beta-quality.
I expected TD 5.0 to become released around August or September earliest and
was surprised that I came now!
But after my test, I know why it's already here!

TD is really a wonderful tool to develop with, but with such problems it
will be hard to get developers use it!

Greetings, Max

Ana Paula Bonani

Re: Another TD 5.0 impression

Post by Ana Paula Bonani » 06 Feb 2007, 00:19

 Posted by:  Ana Paula Bonani 


Regardign your report below:

Item# 2 - able to reproduce and defect logged.
Item# 4 - not able to reproduce with build 13987. Please provide steps to
reproduce in case I'm missing anything.
Item# 5 - a testcase would help logging a defect for it.
Item# 7 - able to reproduce and defect logged.

Thanks for your report,

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Re: Another TD 5.0 impression

Post by markus.essmayr » 12 Feb 2007, 11:06

 Posted by:  Markus Eßmayr 


According item #4:
I just created a new form window, added a tab control to it and added a few
pages. Then i added some controls to the form (placed over the tab control)
and assigned them to the different pages.
That's all. After that I ran the application but changing tab pages did not
show/hide controls.
But I have to say, that I didn't use QuickTabs before so maybe I just missed
something to do to make it work.

According item #5:
I created a demo-com-object, registered it and used the ActiveX-wizard of TD
3.1 to create the APL (I don't have TD 5.0 installed any more). But the the
result is equal. If you recreate the APL with TD 5.0, you should not be able
to compile the resulting APL. The complete source files are attached to this

Greets from Austria,

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Ana Paula Bonani

Re: Another TD 5.0 impression

Post by Ana Paula Bonani » 12 Feb 2007, 23:26

 Posted by:  Ana Paula Bonani 


Thanks for your feedback, I'm investigating and will reply soon.


Ana Paula Bonani

Re: Another TD 5.0 impression

Post by Ana Paula Bonani » 13 Feb 2007, 19:59

 Posted by:  Ana Paula Bonani 


If you dont mind I'd like to take this offline as I believe it would be more
productive. Please send a message to with your email
address so I can forward you some test application and questions.

I'll post the final results to the newsgroups when we're done.

Thanks in advance,

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