Log-a-bug and the response

forum.gupta.bugreport (2005-2010)
Posts: 2221
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Location: Hyderabad, India

Log-a-bug and the response

Post by FRBhote » 14 Oct 2005, 09:06

 Posted by:  F R Bhote 

I logged a bug about the ODBC driver and got the response:

Windows CE is not a supported operating environment, so log-a-bug is not the
appropriate channel to pursue this problem. If you require technical
assistance, please look at the information located at
http://www.guptaworldwide.com/Support/OfferingsPhone.aspx to learn more
about our support resources.

Here is my response:

The problem is with a process running ON THE DESKTOP calling an ODBC Driver
ON THE DESKTOP. Yes, a different part of the application is communicating to
a Windows CE device, but that part of the application is working. Saying,
"we don't support your application because it communicates with a PDA" is
just as unreasonable as saying, "we don't support your application because
it communicates with a printer".

A.Chandra Prakash

Re: Log-a-bug and the response

Post by A.Chandra Prakash » 14 Oct 2005, 11:29

 Posted by:  A.Chandra Prakash 

What FRB is logged is exactly a bug . The product should support all platforms,
devices and ODBC drivers. Copetetive products are there providing environments.
Please let us know whats the operating platforms does Centura supports?


Martin Duty

Re: Log-a-bug and the response

Post by Martin Duty » 14 Oct 2005, 14:07

 Posted by:  Martin Duty 

F. R.,

Perhaps you should create a test program that only shows your bug. Leave out
everything else. Then they shuoldn't be able to say it isn't supported.



Re: Log-a-bug and the response

Post by Tony » 14 Oct 2005, 17:16

 Posted by:  Tony 

Why not just look at the Compatibility Matrix first?

I logged a bug about the ODBC driver and got the response:

Windows CE is not a supported operating environment, so log-a-bug is not the
appropriate channel to pursue this problem. If you require technical
assistance, please look at the information located at
http://www.guptaworldwide.com/Support/OfferingsPhone.aspx to learn more
about our support resources.

Here is my response:

The problem is with a process running ON THE DESKTOP calling an ODBC Driver
ON THE DESKTOP. Yes, a different part of the application is communicating to
a Windows CE device, but that part of the application is working. Saying,
"we don't support your application because it communicates with a PDA" is
just as unreasonable as saying, "we don't support your application because
it communicates with a printer".

Martin Duty

Re: Log-a-bug and the response

Post by Martin Duty » 14 Oct 2005, 19:57

 Posted by:  Martin Duty 

because the bug is running on a compatible system?

As he said, the problem is in ODBC, not on the CE device or code.


Posts: 2221
Joined: 09 Mar 2017, 05:32
Location: Hyderabad, India

Re: Log-a-bug and the response

Post by FRBhote » 15 Oct 2005, 08:04

 Posted by:  F R Bhote 

Actually, I'm foxed as to how an ODBC trace on a PC has anything to do with
any device. Unfortunately the trace would mention the program (Visual CE)
which is connected to the database.


Re: Log-a-bug and the response

Post by Tony » 16 Oct 2005, 15:52

 Posted by:  Tony 

No, I was actually replying to A. Chandra Prakash's comment "Please let us
know whats the operating platforms does Centura supports?",
but I mis-threaded.
Anyway, FR Bhote, referring to your comment: have you gone back to Log-A-Bug
explaining to them that "the problem is with a process running on the
desktop..." etc.? Your initial message to Log-A-Bug was: "I am trying to use
Visual CE which gives Database Error on the PDA. On tracing the ODBC, there
are SQL_ERRORS occurring. I am attaching the ODBC trace. ODBC driver date 4/24/2005."
If I were you I would go back to Log-A-Bug and give them your response you
posted here if you believe the problem is in the ODBC driver included with
SQLBase 8.5. Or better yet, why not contact Gupta's tech support and let
them look into it since your firm Hypersoft has a valid Gupta support


because the bug is running on a compatible system?

As he said, the problem is in ODBC, not on the CE device or code.


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