HOWTO: Display text is status line of TD main window?

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HOWTO: Display text is status line of TD main window?

Post by StefanM » 07 Sep 2006, 10:46

 Posted by:  Stefan Misch 

Hi CDK-experts,

I want to display some status text in TD 3.1 while my CDK-application is run
from within TD via the Tools menu. I use "$Outline $MainWindow" as
parameters for my CDK-app and then convert the value for $MainWindow to a
window handle using SalStrToNumber and then SalNumberToWindowHandle().
However this handle seems not to be the one that I need to use to set
CDK_App.cvhWndStatus (isn't there a Set-Method missing?) and then display a
status text with CDK_App.Status( "Some text" ).


P.S. I might post some more CDK-messages over the next time, as I have
significant problems in a number of areas, which might be either CDK-bugs or
lack of my understanding. IMHO the CDK-documentation is ridiculous. Also I
noticed that some of the CDK-classes follow a certain "schema", while other
CDK-classes that should work in the same "schema" do not provide the same

Ingo Pohl

Re: HOWTO: Display text is status line of TD main window?

Post by Ingo Pohl » 08 Sep 2006, 09:28

 Posted by:  Ingo Pohl 

Hello Stefan,

i'm not sure if you mean this:

SalOutlineReportError(CDK_App.m_hOutline, aItem.m_hItem,'','Text')

with this function you are able to add messages to the output-window.

Posts: 679
Joined: 10 Aug 2018, 15:57
Location: Bavaria

Re: HOWTO: Display text is status line of TD main window?

Post by StefanM » 08 Sep 2006, 11:26

 Posted by:  Stefan Misch 

Hi Ingo,

thanks for answering. No - I mean the status bar of TD itsself, i.e. where
"[Class Definitions] [fcSomeClass] [Instance Vars] [niSomeVar]" is
displayed, when you select "niSomeVar" in the outline. CDK_App.Status( ) is
nothing else than a wrapper for SalStatusText without the window handle. The
CDK app needs to set cvhWndStatus before calling this method. I thought I
could use the window handle from the CDK-parameter $MainWindow to dispaly
status messages in TD's status bar.

I already output messages to the output window while my CDK-app runs. But
besides new messages showing up, the user has no feedback from my app. I
can't even display the hour glass with SalWaitCursor.

So I think I will create a window showing some progress information while my
CDK-tool runs.

BTW: do you know how to clear the output window (see my other post)?7


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