by Armin » 13 Aug 2003, 15:40
Posted by: Armin
Thanx Frank
But is it possible that SalOutlineItemTitleX(..) works not correct ?
(Gupta TD 2.1 PTF1)
In my code the result is always an empty string :-(
Here is my code:
!!CB!! 70
! Auf erstes Element im Source setzen
Set nItem = SalOutlineTop (nOutline)
Set nCounter = 0
Call SalWaitCursor( TRUE )
While nItem != 0
Set nType = SalOutlineItemType (nOutline, nItem)
! In Beschreibungen und Kommentaten wird nicht gesucht
If (nType != CDK_IT_Description) AND (nType != CDK_IT_Comment)
Set sText = SalOutlineItemTextX(nOutline, nItem, FALSE)
Set sTitle = SalOutlineItemTitleX(nType) ! <-- sTitle always empty :-(
If sText != '' OR sTitle != ''
If (SalStrScan( sText, m_sSuchen ) != -1) OR
(SalStrScan( sTitle, m_sSuchen ) != -1)
Set nCounter = nCounter + 1
Call SalOutlineReportError( nOutline, nItem, '', SalNumberToStrX(
nCounter, 0 ) || ': ' || SalOutlineItemTextX ( nOutline, nItem, TRUE) )
Call SalFilePutStr( m_hFile, sText)
Set nItem = SalOutlineNextLine( nOutline, nItem )
Best regards