Posted by: Rolf Bunzel
The Centura.hlp says:
Questions:The bStaticsAsWindows variable alters the configuration of static objects.
Static objects are background text, lines, and frames. In SQLWindows 4.0 and
later, static objects are painted. This change improves runtime performance
when creating and painting form windows and dialog boxes.
The bStaticsAsWindows variable allows you to force an application to create
lines, frames, and background text as real windows. By setting this variable
to TRUE, you eliminate the performance advantage of the SQLWindows 4.0 and
later implementation.
Setting this variable to TRUE
Before creating a top level window, go to the On SAM_AppStartup portion of
the SQLWindows Outline. Under Global Declarations, set bStaticsAsWindows to
TRUE. Since bStaticsAsWindows is a global system variable, the value will
persit until you change it.
1. SQLWindows 4.0 ist at least 18 Years old?! Correct?
2. Is the dokumentation still correct >>>> By setting this variable to
TRUE, you eliminate the performance advantage