by K. Arkenberg » 17 Jul 2006, 10:47
Posted by: K. Arkenberg
hi Bayram, hi Jeff,
before I found the samples of Stefan and Christian on, I tried to use Microsoft CDO for Windows
2000 Library.apl for sending Emails. My application works fine on a client
with local SMTP, but it is not working with a remote SMTP-Server. By
starting SendUsing-Method, I get the errormessage:
error code at invocation of Send: 80020009
Source: CDO.Message.1
Error Description: "SendUsing" configuration-value ist wrong.
Sending Emails over CDO with a .NET application (and the same paramters) or
an excel-spreadsheed works fine also with a remote SMTP, so it is not a
rights-permission or configuration problem.
I didn`t find anything about this problem in the web, so I think it is a
special problem of Gupta. (I tried the versions 1.51, 3.00, 3.01) I also
tried my library on an exchangeserver (without a local SMTP) and the
cdoex.dll (and not the cdosys.dll), unfortunately with the same error. Is
this a bug or why do I not get it running? Is it really nessesary to use
In .NET there is a new object called SmtpMail, is there anything
encapsulated for Gupta?
best regards