Centura 1.5.1 + Oracle 10.2 Cleint

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Centura 1.5.1 + Oracle 10.2 Cleint

Post by BFESTA » 02 May 2007, 21:57

 Posted by:  BFESTA <bfe...@markelcorp.com> 


I am running Centura 1.5.1 and attempting to use the Oracle 10.2
Client to connect to our Oracle 10g database. Here are my findings:

SQLCONNECT claims to connect successfully and then the application
freezes on SQLPREPARE. This only happens in the IDE though not when
running from a built binary.

Debugging the source between the SQLCONNECT and the SQLPREPARE I look
at sessions on my database and find that I have no sessions connected
(other than the admin account I am using to query for connected
sessions). Then with logging activated on the client I notice that no
log is even created as if it never actually connects to the client

I have been able to set up an ODBC connection using the Oracle 10g
client and successfully connect through that however my procedures do
not execute. SQL*Plus works, and every other database tool works, it
is only Centura 1.5.1 that is not connecting to my 10g database
through my 10g client.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make this work? Thanks in
Bryan Festa


Re: Centura 1.5.1 + Oracle 10.2 Cleint

Post by TeamDeveloper » 16 May 2007, 12:43

 Posted by:  TeamDeveloper <s.ost...@powercall.de> 

Hello Bryan,
we had the same problem with Gupta 4.0 !!!
The solution was to exchange the DLL fpr Oracle Native connectivity.
But Gupta 1.5.1 is out of service ! try to start an update it need
less time than Microsft updates. 1 person 2 weeks and you have updates
1.5.1 to 3.0 for instance.
Yours Steve

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