TeamDeveloper 2005 with Oracle database

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TeamDeveloper 2005 with Oracle database

Post by harikoduri » 07 Feb 2012, 15:09


We are planning to upgrade our database from Oracle 9i to Oracle We currently have TeamDeveloper 2005 version application connecting from Windows server to Database on HP Unix via SQL client 9i version. Does TD 4.0 client with Oracle 9i works with 10g database? Not sure if we need upgrade the Oracle client version and TD to 5.1 also. We are trying to avoide application changes if possible.


Jeff Luther

Re: TeamDeveloper 2005 with Oracle database

Post by Jeff Luther » 21 Feb 2012, 23:37

It may 'work' but it was never certified. See this chart for what was certified for TD v5.1: ... atrix.aspx

FYI, TD 2005 = TD v4.0. AS far as 'working,' it may or may not. We can only suggest you be sure to test to find out. I'd search this forum as well. Others have reported success stories with older TDs and newer DB client and server DBs.

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Re: TeamDeveloper 2005 with Oracle database

Post by micsto » 22 Feb 2012, 08:38

We are working with TD 3.1 and Oracle 10g ( ) without any problems, but we are using the 10g client.
I'd recomment to upgrade the Oracle client, because older client => newer database will probably not work 100%.

One hint for the upgrade:
When we did the first tests with 10g, we noticed that some selects returned NULL for expressions like "substr( varchar2_col, 1, 10 )" when the length of "varchar2_col" exceeded 254 characters.
We had to change the expression to "cast( substr( varchar2_col, 1, 10 ) as varchar2(10) )" to get it work again.

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