Yes, both of those links indicate that 8191 or 2047 characters is the max for any command line. SalLoadApp() has its own relative path EXE finder, which it then parses to a command line -- max 256 chars. I'm just looking for some confirmation that this is indeed so and not related to my terminal settings
or version differences. If SalLoadApp() and SalLoadAppAndProcessMsgs() act differently in different versions of Team Developer, that's going to be a problem.
Also, SalLoadAppAndProcessMsgs() accepts characters up to 2127 or so, which is passing strange...
//Edit1: Also, CreateProcess() seems to accept max 32,768 characters, but I really don't want to go down that road
Dave Rabelink wrote:You could use ... S.85).aspx
When you know that a file extension is linked to an executable (eg .htm -> iexplore, .doc -> Word) you can use FindExecutable to get the executable filename linked to the extension and use that result to start the application.
Well, that's basically counter to what I want, I just want to match shortcuts and soft/hard links as well -- which the Windows 'run' command and cmd.exe do seamlessly -- or alternatively announce to the user "Whoops, couldn't find your executable in path, please set <INI VALUE X>."