Printing QRPs without processing SAM_Report* messages

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Printing QRPs without processing SAM_Report* messages

Post by Conrado » 18 Dec 2008, 08:56

Dear Forum,

Does anyone knows if its possible to print a QRP without processing SAM_Report* messages? I'm trying to develop a COM Server to produce a PDF file using a PDF printer.

Thank You,


Jeff Luther

Re: Printing QRPs without processing SAM_Report* messages

Post by Jeff Luther » 18 Dec 2008, 09:27

Hi, Conrado!

"possible to print a QRP without processing SAM_Report* messages" -- I would say by definition, the answer is: no. The QRP file is a template only; no data. A 'report' is a template + data, and RB's runtime has as its interface requesting/getting data for the report via the SAM_Report messages sent to a TD application's window.

RB doesn't care where the data comes from--a DB, file on disk, computed values, or a combination of any/all of those--that's the job of the TD appl. But in any case RB has to sync its QRP with with that data set. And that only comes via the messages/events RB sends to your hWnd, and the SalReport functions/methods the appl. invokes to talk back to RB.

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