RTF control restrictions

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Nils Jänicke
Posts: 423
Joined: 20 Sep 2017, 11:56
Location: Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany

RTF control restrictions

Post by Nils Jänicke » 14 Mar 2011, 11:29


Are there any restrictions about the maximum size of an RTF control?
I have generated a RTF content using the SalRTF-Commands of an RTF control and tried to print the content by report builder. At page 13 the content is cutted in the middle of a word, and on preview the pages 14 and 15 are empty, on printing page 14 and 15 are showing the beginning of the RTF content.

See the example.
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Jeff Luther

Re: RTF control restrictions

Post by Jeff Luther » 14 Mar 2011, 20:01

Are you sure you included the correct files in that zip? I see a PDF + QRP files, but they're not linked, so there is no test case.. Maybe the zip is missing the RTF file that would be used to statically be displayed in the QRP by your oRTC control? If RB Preview mode truncated the RTF text, then that's a test case.

Nils Jänicke
Posts: 423
Joined: 20 Sep 2017, 11:56
Location: Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany

Re: RTF control restrictions

Post by Nils Jänicke » 06 Apr 2011, 13:20

It seems that there is a maximum length for RTF controls and it seems that it is different between the RTF control and a RTF field in the report builder.
I've tried to copy a .apt file from our application into the RTF and it is cutted after about 1500 lines and then it is not possible to add characters into the RTF.
The report builder prints about 13-14 pages of an RTF and then it ends printing the RTF.
Is there any chance to change this behaviour? The property "Maximum Data Length" doesn't have any effect nor changing the data type from "String" to "Long String".


Jeff Luther

Re: RTF control restrictions

Post by Jeff Luther » 11 Apr 2011, 18:31

I've tried to copy a .apt file from our application into the RTF and it is cutt after about 1500 lines...
Did you then copy/paste that into Word or Notepat++, for example, to find out how many characters that was? My guess is that there is a 32K limit, like for multiline fields, for the RTF. (32000 / 1500 = ~21 chars. per line, which is a reasonable average for your apt file.)
Is there any chance to change this behaviour?
Well, there is always a chance, but it would be an enhancement request.
nor changing the data type from "String" to "Long String".
Well, Long String vs. String wouldn't have anything to do with it, except in the case of the RTF value being fetched from a DB LONG-type column. (See another thread here about the long-running issue of "String" vs. "Long String" for details on what LS is and how/when it's used.)

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