Passing Arrays to .NET (VB) Assembly and receive Values

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Passing Arrays to .NET (VB) Assembly and receive Values

Post by klaushaidinger » 17 Jun 2021, 04:59

Hi everyone.
I have to fill 3 String Arrays in an VB.NET Function, which is called by Gupta TD 6.2.


Code: Select all

Function f_GetPrograms(ByRef programid As String(), ByRef programname As String(), ByRef category As String()) As Integer

Code: Select all

Set n_Count = myobject.f_GetPrograms ( program_id, program_name, program_category )
Gupta expects the parameters as Receive String [*]

When i call this, always the error "Der Wert darf nicht NULL sein. Parametername: types" occures.
But: there is no Parameter called "types".

I also made an testprogram in VB, that calls this function ... no Problem.
Does anyone have an idea, how to handle this?

Dave Rabelink
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Re: Passing Arrays to .NET (VB) Assembly and receive Values

Post by Dave Rabelink » 18 Jun 2021, 11:30

Are you using the GAIL (win32) interface or use it as COM?

It seems the function needs 3 strings as input and the TD declaration using an array is wrong.
Replace it with 3 input strings.
Dave Rabelink

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