GTD 6.3 and SqlBase 9: issue saving scanned images

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GTD 6.3 and SqlBase 9: issue saving scanned images

Post by Charlie » 07 Sep 2021, 14:30

G'day all,

With the help I got in the GTD 6.3 and SqlBase 9: any issues ? (Thanks again, Steve!), I got the GTD6.3 apps happily loading images from SqlBase 9.

However, saving a scanned image from GTD6.3 app to SqlBase 9 is not working.
[*] btw, scanned image shows in picture object A-1, so the scanning part is good.

As part of the db insert processing, I've tried SqlSetLongBindDatatype (with datatype=22) in two different spots:
[*] before call to SqlPrepare
[*] after call to SqlPrepare but before call to SqlExecute

I can't tell if it is the insert of the image that is borked, or if the working code to retrieve images is borked.
[*] Btw, working code to retrieve images previously inserted to the database with GTD 4.1
[*] i.e. GTD6.3 version of the code modified to do SqlSetLongBindDatatype (with datatype=23) before fetch of images

Does anybody have any tips on saving images from GTD6.3 app to SqlBase 9 db ?

Could I be running into problems because of a mix of images in the SqlBase 9 db, some images coming originally from GTD 4.1 app, and some images coming from GTD 6.3 ? (i.e. do I need to have different application processing for retrieving images depending on GTD version used to save an image? Yeah, grasping at straws over here.)

Thank-you much in advance, cheers and best regards !

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Re: GTD 6.3 and SqlBase 9: issue saving scanned images

Post by Charlie » 09 Sep 2021, 18:00

I figured it out. Face to palm moment.

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